David Abir

Selected Works


Tekrar Level Four. Art Platform- Los Angeles. 2011. Installation view. The idiosyncratic architectural space of Tekrar Level Four is designed to emulate the anatomical structure of the human ear. The sound consists of a composition built from a selection of musical phrases, which are developed and played in continuous variations and repeated at random. The arbitrary intertwining of sound waves coupled with the subtle changes in lighting triggers an extraordinary multi-sensorial experience. The result is both unusual and hypnotic: the changes and variations in the continuous succession of musical phrases occur at the same slow pace as the lighting, in this area which has been specifically designed so that the sound experience manages to distort our very perception and concept of repetition (tekrar), eventually making us question our own senses. – Octavio Zaya TEKRAR LEVEL FOUR. Edition of Three, One Artist proof. Fixed Dimensions: Reflector, 8’ x 8’x 2’D Canal: 5’ x 5’, 15’ L x15’ W x 12’ H

Auricle: Site Specific Materials: plywood, birch wood, mdf, dry wall, plaster, acrylic paint, par cans, rosco gels, 2 Polk Audio tower speakers, 2 power amplifiers, 8 par 56 lights with programed light mixer, 4-buss 12 channel sound mixer, 2 Ipods, 2 80' music compositions.